
The boy and the werewolf

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Literature Text

The boy and the werewolf

“Its Halloween!!” 13 year old Brian shouted into the cool October air as he walked with his pillow case. Brian made a promise to himself that he would fill that pillow case till it was full. As Brian walked to the 50th house so far something caught his eye. It was a dog, a very fat dog. It looked like a Golden Retriever and it was walking towards him. It came to Brian and wagged its tail. Brian took a Kit-Kat from his bag, “you want this boy?” The dog barked and ate the candy. The dog smiled and looked at Brian. “Thanks kid.” it said in a kind voice. Brian was taken aback by this. “You can talk?!” the “dog” smiled and nodded “of course I can...” as he spoke his features changed. His front and back paws became more like arms and legs and his belly looked more like a gut now. There before Brian stood a very fat werewolf, about his age. “I’m a werewolf!” Brian did not scream, he did not panic, he did not run away, he sensed that this wolf was a good one, not the ones he had heard about when he was 2. “My name’s Beowulf.” The werewolf said extending a paw. “What’s yours?” Brian hesitated “ my name’s ...... Brian.”  “Nice to meet ya!” Beowulf replied shaking Brian’s hand. They began to walk and talk to each other. “So,” Brian asked as they neared the seventh house on that street, “what are you doing here of all places?” Beowulf smiled and rubbed his belly. “Gotta bulk up for the winter months. Can I have some of your candy?” Brian agreed and gave him a large portion of the candy he had collected. Beowulf smiled and patted Brian on the head. “You’re a kind boy Brian!” they walked and they talked for what seemed like hours until Beowulf finally asked, “Brian, you’ve got all this candy.... what you gonna do with it??” Brian shrugged. “I’ll probably eat it.” Beowulf nodded. “You do this every year?” Brian nodded. “Than why are you so thin?” Brian stopped and wondered. “I.... I don’t know.” Beowulf looked at his friend, “do you want to get fat?” Brian shrugged. “I.... guess so.” Beowulf nodded “then become a werewolf!” Brian thought for a minute. “Ok. Its worth a shot.” Brian said as he stood up. “Ok. follow me.” Brian followed Beowulf into a deep forest. It grew darker and darker as they got deeper and deeper. At last they finally saw the entrance of a city. As they both entered the city Brian was swarmed by other werewolves. He was soon knocked out and throw into prison. When Brian awoke he saw that he was in the middle of a large room. Many other werewolves watched him. At the far end of the room was a very big werewolf. (both in size and weight) he was 8 ft tall and his belly almost touched the floor, Brian noticed a large crown on his head. A guard came to Brian and whispered in his ear. “You look upon the face of the great were khan.” Brian knew that voice.... he looked at the face of the guard. It was Beowulf! Brian looked at his once friend with a look of betrayal. The Great were khan stood up and walked towards Brian. “Ah...” he said with a pleased voice, “you are awake.” the were khan grabbed him and pulled him up. “You are a servant to my people, human!” he was then throw far across the room and taken to his cell. A week or so passed and a guard came to him. “The great khan wishes to speak with you.” he said and took him to the room. The were khan looked at Brian as he stood before him. “It seems that you have told my soldier Beowulf that you wish to become one of us, is that correct?” Brian nodded. The khan smiled. “Good. It will be done. But first you must prove yourself.” Brian was confused. “That is all” the were khan said as he waved him away. He was taken to a very dark place and was given a leathery type suit to wear and a sword. Before he left Beowulf came to him. He handed him a bowl full of a red substance. “Here drink this. It will help.” Brian drank it quickly. “Look, I’m sorry for getting you into this mess. I....” Brian put his hands on Beowulf’s shoulder, “it is okay my friend. I forgive you.” Beowulf thanked him and left.
A large door opened in front of Brian and he was pushed out. When his eyes became a custom to the bright light he found that he was standing in a Colosseum full of fat werewolves! A large gate opened and a big black demon thing charged out and let out a roar. The demon was a giant standing in a 10 feet high and 179 pounds.  Brian was at first afraid but then the stuff that Beowulf had gave him started to kick in. Brian then felt strange, his body felt hot all over and his eyes went blood red. A wave of anger swept over him. He charged at the demon screaming a war cry as he ran. He jumped 5 feet in the air making a chance to land on the demons stomach. The demon saw this and turned quickly using its scaley back for cover. Brian’s sword hit the scales with a “plang” as it shattered into a thousand tiny pieces. Brian, still engulfed by rage, began to tear off the scales with his bare hands! He cut a hole large enough for him to crawl into and he scrambled in. The demon let out a howl and tried to grab Brian. Then the demon let out a whimper and its eyes glazed over. A great crack was heard as Brian leaped out of the demon’s belly. In his hands he held the demons heart. All went quiet for a moment and then a great roaring cheer erupted from the crowd. Brian stood on the carcass of the demon and held the heart for all the crowd to see. ..... Many hours later Brian awoke on a bed, in a hospital area with a cool cloth on his forehead. “Ooh,” he groaned “where am I?” Beowulf was standing beside his bed. “You’re in the castle hospital, my friend.” Brian nodded. “The khan said it was okay for you to become a werewolf. He said for the initiation to start in a few days....” “A few days?!” Brian shouted, jumping out of bed “I want to become one now!!” “Then it shall be done!” the were khans voice rang out. He had been hiding nearby. “You put up a good fight there, young one.” the were khan said smiling. “ the initiation will start in one hour. In the mean time get some rest, you deserve it.” Brian smiled and nodded. As night fell Brian was led to the initiation room. Inside the room a great bonfire was lit and there was loud chanting. Brian was led to the middle of the room and show to the were who was to change him. It was Beowulf. “You ready?” Beowulf asked. Brian smiled and replied “of course my friend.” the chanting grew louder and louder and louder. Beowulf’s teeth sunk into Brian’s flesh. Brian let out a gasp and grabbed Beowulf’s arm. He squeezed as hard as he could to dull the pain. Finally, Beowulf removed his fangs from his flesh, Brian let go. Brian looked at Beowulf and smiled before blacking out on the floor. When Brian finally awoke his body had changed a lot. His body was covered in fur and his canine teeth had grow a lot. He also had a tail, which a first he found a bit hard to get used to. He was also a bit chubbier now. “Well, this is interesting.” Brian thought looking at himself in a mirror. After a few days Brian was summoned to the were khans room. The were khan explained that the demons creatures that Brian had fought were attack the were community. “We must gather our allies.” were khan said with a grim look. “I want you to go with Beowulf to our allies cities and deliver the news.” Brian bowed and left. There first destination was the capitol of the were-bear empire which was ruled by the bear lord. The first thing Brian noticed when the entered the capitol was that all the bears where total slobs! The second thing he noticed was that every bear was extremely obese, which was fine by him!  Beowulf, Brian, and the other werewolves that had came with them entered the bears castle. They bowed before the bear lord and his daughter. As Beowulf and the bear lord spoke something caught Brian’s eye. It was the Princess, she was waving at him. Brian was confused and pointed to himself. The princess nodded and motioned him to come over to her. Brian went over to the her seat. The princess greeted Brian and they began to talk. “Why don’t you take a seat?” the princess suggested. “But milady,” Brian replied “there are no seats!” “Of course there is!” she replied as she picked Brian up and put him down on her titanic belly. Brian was at first afraid of getting yelled at, but soon calmed down as he began to sink slightly in the princesses warm gut. “Now, doesn’t that feel good, wolfie?” Brian moaned a “yes” as he rubbed her belly. The princess moaned softly “don’t stop! That feels good!” Brian rubbed her belly more and more feeling each roll of fat and tickling her in a few places. The princess grinned and began to slurp the back of Brian’s neck. They were both in total bliss, until they were interrupted. “Ahem, Brian!” Beowulf whispered “the meeting is over!!” the two furries opened there eyes and saw that everyone in the room was staring at them. Both there faces turned ruby red, “um..... sorry ‘bout that.” Brian said with a nervous smile. The bear lord smiled, “don’t worry about it young wolf. That stuff happens!” Brian bowed low and went to his guest room. The next morning all the werewolves gathered in the main hall. They agreed to split into groups to save time. Beowulf and the other wolves would go to different empires and deliver the news. The decided to leave Brian here since he had no experience with politic’s. Brian agreed instantly and returned to his room. Later that morning Brian was summoned to the princesses room. When Brian came to the entrance of the princesses room he was a bit nervous. He lightly tapped on the door, and it instantly was flung open! “Wolfie!” the princess said with a big grin, “please come in!” Brian walked in and was instantly surrounded by the princess and two other girl furs. “Aww he’s so cute!” one girl cooed. “I know!” the other girl joined in.  “I..... can’t...... breathe.....” Brian gasped as the two girls grabbed him. The princess pushed them away. “Lay off!! He needs his space!” Brian stumbled back and fell onto a beanbag chair. Once he got enough oxygen to his lungs he looked at the two other girls. One was a rather tubby fox who’s many tails danced in the air. The other was a rather fat raccoon. The princess turned to Brian. “Wolfie, are you okay?” Brian nodded. “These are my two pals, Amy and Jessica.” Brian bowed to both of them. “Sorry about that....” “Its okay...” Brian replied. After the apologizing was over Brian turned to the princess. “Why am I here??” the three furs giggled. “What’s so funny?” Brian asked. The princess gave Brian a little slurp. “Well.... the girls and I thought it would be fun if you..... fattened up a bit.” Brian was surprised, never had a girl ever told him to become fat. As Brian was lost in thought the princess took out a air tank. Brian noticed and asked “that’s not full of air is it?” “Of course not silly,” the princess said with a grin “its full of milkshake!” now Brian was really confused “milkshake?! What are you gonna do to me with milk--” Brian was silenced as Jessica put a small nozzle in his maw.  The princess turned the device on, instantly vanilla flavored milkshake flowed steadily through the hose and into Brian’s maw. Brian “mmmmmed” loudly and closed his eyes. A few minutes later he opened them and saw that his belly had practically doubled in size! As time past and his belly grew, the newfound girth began to store itself in other parts of Brian’s body. An hour or so later the milkshake ran out. Brian removed the nozzle and looked at himself. His arms and legs had grown a bit. His ass had also grown a great deal as well.  Brian also noticed he had grown multiple chins as he noticed some milkshake was soaked on them. Brian felt exhausted and fell back on the floor with a resounding “thud”. The princess waddled over and put Brian on her lap. “Did that feel good Wolfie?” she cooed. Brian nodded the best he could. The princess bent her head to give Brian a slurp. All of a sudden,  Brian let out a thunderous belch that made the room shake! Brian blushed badly, “I am so sorry!” he said repeating it over and over again. But the princess did not yell at him she instead gave him a huge hug! “That was a good one wolfie! Very good!” Brian clutched the princesses black fur and reveled in its smooth feeling. He soon made his leave and returned to his room. There he fell into a deep sleep. When Brian awoke the next day he went straight to a mirror. His body was now rounded all over and he enjoyed that fact. He still had his multi-chins and was happy. “Time to gain!” he thought to himself. Once again he was summoned to the princesses room. He knocked on the door as usual and it was instantly flung open (again.) The princess and Brian greeted with a hug and Brian walked in and greeted Amy and Jessica. He also noticed the very large doughnuts heaped in a big pile nearby. Brian smiled and began to drool a bit. He turned to the princess and gave her a “can I please have one? Please???” look. “Help yourself.” the princess replied already scarfing one down. After an hour of stuffing themselves with doughnuts Brian and the Princess stopped momentarily for a quick bottle of cream. Brian inched towards the princess. after finishing there cream Brian finally said “my, princess you are quite the wide load!” The princess smiled and blushed “you noticed...” Brian smiled and continued to drink his cream, though a bit confused on how calling someone a wide load could be seen as a compliment. As each day passed the stuffing grew more and more and Brian became fatter and fatter. But the other werewolves soon returned and were ordered to tell him that they had to go to war and to suit up. When Brian heard this he instantly went to the princess to break the news. He knocked as usual and the door was instantly flung open. “Wolfie!” she said with a grin. But Brian did not return the smile, instead he began to cry. “What’s wrong?” the princess asked softly. Brian wiped his eyes, “I- I have to go to war.” he said his voice shaky. “War?!” the princess replied “why?!” “Evil things are coming,” Brian replied “I want to keep you safe, milady.” the princess began to cry. “What if I never see you again?!” “Don’t worry milady, I will return to you.” the both shared a goodbye kiss and Brian waddled off.  Brian was given the rank of first class officer and was to be under the order of Beowulf. “How’s things my friend?” Beowulf said with a grin. “Good.” Brian replied with a salute. As months went by Brian began to hone his battle skills. One day he got a letter from the princess. It read: “Dear Wolfie, hi. How are you? I am fine, though I miss you terribly. I think of you often and wish that you were back here. I would so love to snuggle your chubby belly again. I have received your many letters, saving each one. ...... hope to hear from you soon. Stay safe.” Brian noticed the royal signature and the big lipstick kiss on the letter. He pulled out a pen and some paper and began to write a reply. “ Dear Princess, hi. I am well, though a bit thin due to the less abundance of fattening foods. I too wish to return to the palace and bask in the warmth of your great belly. I miss you.... hope to hear from you soon. Love, Wolfie” Brian drew the unit signature, a wolf paw with a spade under it. He then assembled his men and began the march. A few days later a big battle was about to start. Brian was supposed to be the second half of the attack. Before he sent his men off he decided to rally them a bit. “Men! I want you to know that there is a battle coming! The enemy his twice our men and twice our firepower. But, the one thing they do not have.... is will. The will that gives us thoughts and feelings, the very will that makes us who we are. Now, gentlemen, shall we begin?” a cheer erupted from the crowd. “For Victory, For Freedom!” Beowulf shouted. “For the motherland!!!” Brian shouted . A roaring cheer erupted and the soldiers drew there weapons. “Charge!!!” The soldiers ran past Brian and in the blink of an eye they were on the battlefield, fighting like mad. Brian joined the battle and killed many demons. But as it seemed that the battle was already won, the demons just kept coming. Wave after wave hit the soldiers until Brian finally shouted “fall back! Fall back!” as the soldiers retreated Brian stayed and tried to protect there escape. He was soon captured and brought to the demon main camp. This news soon made it back to the bear capital. “Wolfie’s been captured?!” The princess screamed. She ran to her room and began to cry. Then she stopped, “something must be done.” she thought. When Brian awoke (he had been knocked out) he found that he was in a very bad situation. He was in the demons main camp and tied to a poll. A large ring of demons was formed around him. All of a sudden a long line of them split and Brian heard crashing footsteps.
“Presenting,” one of the demons shouted “the great Lord Shang!” a earsplitting roar erupted from the crowd as Shang made his way into the circle. He was a very large brown bear, very fat and had a very long ponytail that hung to the ground. His eyes were blood red and he grinned  maliciously as he looked at helpless Brian. He grabbed Brian by the neck, breaking the chains that held him instantly. Shang took his left paw and grabbed Brian’s stomach. Brian looked down and saw that Shang was sucking the fat from his body! Brian watched in horror as his titanic belly shrank slowly and as Shang’s large one grew. Brian though of a way to defend himself and did the only way he could. Brian opened his mouth and sank his teeth deep into Shang’s paw. The great bear let out a howl and dropped Brian instantly, stumbling back a few feet. Brian grabbed his sword and readied himself for combat. Shang recovered and drew his huge battle spear, the fight was on! The battle raged for hours, with no clear sign of a victor. Until Shang made one mistake. Shang charged at Brian, as he had for the past few hours, and Brian smoothly dodged his attack. When the bears spear connected with the ground the bear tried to regain some energy. Brian took this moment as a strength and charged at Shang. He swung and his sword connected with a “thwack” Shang’s head fell at Brian’s feet and his body fell to the ground with a thud, spurting blood everywhere. Brian noticed that his enemies eyes were open and closed them showing him honor, even in death. There where murmurs in the camp. “Our lord is dead! What shall we do?” “Kill him that’s what!” the demons roared in agreement and began to close in on Brian. Just then, Brian noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A dark shape sitting in the trees. Brian also noticed small spherical things on the ground, smaller than pebbles. Then, grey smoke enveloped Brian and the surrounding demons. The shape Brian had saw leapt out of the trees and began to kill all the demons! Brian was bewildered, that shape seemed to be everywhere at once! When the smoke cleared all the demons were dead and the “shape” stood before Brian. It was a female ninja. Brian said the first thing that popped into his mind: “damn, ninja, you fast!” the ninja bowed and replied “what, you don’t recognize me?” the “ninja” removed her hat. It was the princess! Brian stood in amazement , “are you happy to see me?” the princess said with a smile. Brian ran to her and kissed her, “I missed you so much, milady!” Brian than looked at the princesses frame, “how did you get so....” “Oh, this?” she said removing her ninja cloak. Brian looked and saw a very large corset, which was straining to even stay together. Brian breathed a sigh of relief.  “Well, come on! Let’s go!” the princess shouted putting her ninja hat back on. Brian followed slowly, still weary from the fight. They made there way to the Brian’s unit HQ. A soldier stopped them. “Who the hell do you think you are lady?” “I,” the princess replied removing her corset and ninja hat “ am your princess! Now let us through, this soldier must return home A.S.A.P.” The two quickly returned to the bear capital. After a week back home and gaining as much weight than he had before Brian was as happy as ever. “Don’t ever go to war again, ok?” the princess told Brian for the hundredth time. “Yes milady!” “Good.” the princess cooed stuffing another huge cookie down Brian’s maw.
A few days later the international food stocks skyrocketed. To deal with the sudden extreme increase of food Brian began the “society of obese were-animals” or S.O.W.A. this group spread the idea of extreme obesity being a good thing and it caught on very well. Many nations joined this group and soon were-animal world peace was achieved! Brian then married the princess and had a child (who was the biggest slob in all the were-nations!)  The world was happy place from then on out. No more fighting, no more famine, no more malnutrition!
The End
this is a story about were-animals and weight gain. hope you like it! note that this is my first submition so i don't really know how it will turn out
© 2007 - 2024 trentonfoxbear
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Jackhammer115's avatar
Great story man, and I counted a few references in there, but they could just because my mind is just like that XD but anyway, great story!